

Baldo MP, Zaniqueli DA, Cunha RS, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA and Mill JG. Association between leisure-time physical activity and arterial stiffness in adults of the ELSA-Brasil study: a mediation analysis. (2024) J Hypertens. 42, 1711-1719 Pubmed J Hypertens
Gomes Gonçalves N, Szlejf C, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Suemoto CK. Association Between Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction and Cognitive Decline: Findings From the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2024) J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 79, Pubmed J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
Belitardo de Oliveira A, Winter Schytz H, Fernando Prieto Peres M, Peres Mercante JP, Brunoni AR, Wang YP, Carmen B Molina MD, Koji Uchiyama L, Lotufo PA, Højland Jensen R, Benseñor IM, Härter Griep R and Goulart AC. Does physical activity and inflammation mediate the job stress-headache relationship? A sequential mediation analysis in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Brain Behav Immun. 120, 187-198 Pubmed Brain Behav Immun
Paula DP, Camacho M, Barbosa O, Marques L, Harter Griep R, da Fonseca MJM, Barreto S and Lekadir K. Sex and population differences in the cardiometabolic continuum: a machine learning study using the UK Biobank and ELSA-Brasil cohorts. (2024) BMC Public Health. 24, 2131 Pubmed BMC Public Health PMC Article
Almeida LFF, Barreto SM, Conceição Chagas Almeida M, Bensenor IJ, Lotufo PA, Molina MDCB, Cardoso LO and Giatti L. Are Neighborhood Greenspaces Associated with Leisure-time Physical Activity? Results from ELSA-Brasil Eight-year Follow-up. (2024) J Urban Health. Pubmed J Urban Health
Moreira AD, de Menezes ST, Camelo LV and Barreto SM. Response to comments on: “Cancer incidence in ELSA-Brasil: making the case for Population Based Cancer Registries in Brazil”. (2024) Cancer Epidemiol. 102637 Pubmed Cancer Epidemiol
Azevedo LB, Martins HX, Luft VC, da Fonseca MJM, Enriquez-Martinez OG and Molina MDCB. Factors Associated with the Practice of Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets among Participants of the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2024) Nutrients. 16, Pubmed Nutrients PMC Article
Pereira WDS, Lelis DF, Cunha RS, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Molina MDCB, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Mill JG and Baldo MP. Fasting Glucose, Glycated Hemoglobin, and 2h Post-load Blood Glucose Are Independently Associated With Arterial Stiffness in Diabetes: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2024) Angiology. 75, 635-644 Pubmed Angiology
Janovsky CCPS, Meneghini V, Tebar W, Martins JRM, Sgarbi JA, Teixeira PFDS, Jones SR, Blaha MJ, Toth PP, Lotufo PA, Bittencourt MS, Santos RD, Santos IS, Chaker L and Bensenor IM. Branched-Chain Amino Acids, Alanine, and Thyroid Function: A Cross-Sectional, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-Based Approach from ELSA-Brasil. (2024) Metabolites. 14, Pubmed Metabolites PMC Article
Silva SV, Santos IS, Lima DB, Goulart AC, Varella AC, Lotufo PA, Brunoni AR and Bensenor IM. The effect of age on the relationship between negative life events and current and new depressive episodes: results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2024) J Affect Disord. Pubmed J Affect Disord
Silva AM, Levy J, De Carli E, Cacau LT, de Alvarenga JFR, Benseñor IJM, Lotufo PA, Fiamoncini J, Brennan L and Marchioni DML. Biomarker panels for fruit intake assessment: a metabolomics analysis in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Metabolomics. 20, 88 Pubmed Metabolomics
Mendes MIF, Mendonça RD, Aprelini CMO and Molina MDCB. Consumption of processed meat but not red meat is associated with the incidence of hypertension: ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2024) Nutrition. 127, 112529 Pubmed Nutrition
Lelis DF, Baldo TOF, Andrade JMO, Griep RH, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Mill JG and Baldo MP. High triglyceride-glucose index and HOMA-IR are associated with different cardiometabolic profile in adults from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Clin Biochem. 131-132, 110793 Pubmed Clin Biochem
Pena GP. Cancer incidence in ELSA-Brasil: Making the case for population based cancer registries in Brazil. (2024) Cancer Epidemiol. 102638 Pubmed Cancer Epidemiol
Pedroso Camargos A, Barreto S, Brant L, Ribeiro ALP, Dhingra LS, Aminorroaya A, Bittencourt M, Figueiredo RC and Khera R. Performance of contemporary cardiovascular risk stratification scores in Brazil: an evaluation in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Open Heart. 11, Pubmed Open Heart PMC Article
Gomes Gonçalves N, Cacau LT, Ferreira NV, Lotufo PA, Goulart AC, Viana MC, Barreto SM, Bensenor IM, Marchioni DM and Suemoto CK. Adherence to the planetary health diet and cognitive decline: findings from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Nat Aging. Pubmed Nat Aging
Oliveira FEG, Griep RH, Chor D, Barreto SM, Molina MDCB, Machado LAC, Fonseca MJMD and Bastos LS. Racial inequalities in the development of multimorbidity of chronic conditions: results from a Brazilian prospective cohort. (2024) Int J Equity Health. 23, 120 Pubmed Int J Equity Health PMC Article
Pires RK, Griep RH, Scaranni PODS, Moreno AB, Molina MDCB, Luft VC, da Fonseca MJM and Cardoso LO. Stress and the Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods during COVID-19’s Social Distancing: Are Mental Disorders Mediators in This Association? ELSA-Brasil Results. (2024) Nutrients. 16, Pubmed Nutrients PMC Article
Filho RCF, Generoso G, Cardoso R, Jones SR, Santos RD, Toth PP, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA and Bittencourt MS. GlycA Levels Independently Predict Coronary Artery Calcium Incidence and Progression in the ELSA-Brasil Cohort (Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health). (2024) Am J Cardiol. 221, 29-36 Pubmed Am J Cardiol
Alves MA, Lotufo PA, Benseñor I and Marchioni DML. Dietary patterns and adiposity over time – analysis of the ELSA-Brasil. (2024) Eur J Nutr. 63, 1203-1211 Pubmed Eur J Nutr
Birck MG, Janovsky CCPS, Goulart AC, Meneghini V, Pititto BA, Sgarbi JA, Teixeira PFS and Bensenor IM. Associations of TSH, free T3, free T4, and conversion ratio with incident hypertension: results from the prospective Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2024) Arch Endocrinol Metab. 68, e230301 Pubmed Arch Endocrinol Metab PMC Article
Machado AV, Silva JFME, Colosimo EA, Needham BL, Maluf CB, Giatti L, Camelo LV and Barreto SM. Clinical biomarker-based biological age predicts deaths in Brazilian adults: the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Geroscience. Pubmed Geroscience
Ettleson MD, Penna GCE, Wan W, Benseñor IM, Laiteerapong N and Bianco AC. TSH Trajectories During Levothyroxine Treatment in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) Cohort. (2024) J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Pubmed J Clin Endocrinol Metab
Hubner FCL, Telles RW, Giatti L, Machado LAC, Griep RH, Viana MC, Barreto SM and Camelo LV. Job stress and chronic low back pain: incidence, number of episodes, and severity in a 4-year follow-up of the ELSA-Brasil Musculoskeletal cohort. (2024) Pain. Pubmed Pain
Calice-Silva V, Bensenor IM, Titan SM, Cavalcante MRN and Lotufo PA. Association between branched-chain amino acids and renal function in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2024) Clin Nutr. 43, 1051-1056 Pubmed Clin Nutr
Dhingra LS, Aminorroaya A, Camargos AP, Khunte A, Sangha V, McIntyre D, Chow CK, Asselbergs FW, Brant LC, Barreto SM, Ribeiro ALP, Krumholz HM, Oikonomou EK and Khera R. Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Heart Failure Risk from Single-lead Electrocardiographic Signals: A Multinational Assessment. (2024) medRxiv. Pubmed medRxiv PMC Article
Guimarães JMN, Jackson JW, Barber S, Griep RH, da Fonseca MJM, Camelo LV, Barreto SM, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Cardoso LO, Pereira AC and Chor D. Racial Inequities in the Control of Hypertension and the Explanatory Role of Residential Segregation: a Decomposition Analysis in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2024) J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 11, 1024-1032 Pubmed J Racial Ethn Health Disparities
Mercante JPP, Oliveira AB, Peres MFP, Wang YP, Brunoni AR, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Goulart AC. Association of mental health symptoms with the migraine-tension-type headache spectrum in the Brazilian longitudinal study of adult health. (2024) J Psychosom Res. 179, 111624 Pubmed J Psychosom Res
Oliveira PWC, Mill JG, Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Molina MDCB, Mendes FD, Santos HCD and de Faria CP. Triglyceride-glucose index demonstrates reasonable performance as a screening tool but exhibits limited diagnostic utility for insulin resistance: Data from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2024) Nutr Res. 124, 65-72 Pubmed Nutr Res
Dhingra LS, Aminorroaya A, Sangha V, Camargos AP, Asselbergs FW, Brant LC, Barreto SM, Ribeiro ALP, Krumholz HM, Oikonomou EK and Khera R. Scalable Risk Stratification for Heart Failure Using Artificial Intelligence applied to 12-lead Electrocardiographic Images: A Multinational Study. (2024) medRxiv. Pubmed medRxiv PMC Article
Feter N, de Paula D, Dos Reis RCP, Raichlen D, Patrão AL, Barreto SM, Suemoto CK, Duncan BB and Schmidt MI. Leisure-Time Physical Activity May Attenuate the Impact of Diabetes on Cognitive Decline in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Findings From the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2024) Diabetes Care. 47, 427-434 Pubmed Diabetes Care
Penna GC, Bensenor IM, Bianco AC and Ettleson MD. Thyroid hormone homeostasis in levothyroxine-treated patients: Findings from ELSA-Brasil. (2024) J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Pubmed J Clin Endocrinol Metab
Ferreira NV, Gonçalves NG, Szlejf C, Goulart AC, de Souza Santos I, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Barreto SM, Caramelli P, Feter N, Castilhos RM, Drager LF, Lotufo P, Benseñor I and Suemoto CK. Optimal cardiovascular health is associated with slower cognitive decline. (2024) Eur J Neurol. 31, e16139 Pubmed Eur J Neurol PMC Article
Santos AE, Camelo LV, Santos IS, Griep RH, Bensenor IJ, Barreto SM and Giatti L. Life satisfaction and ideal cardiovascular health score: A cross-sectional study from ELSA-Brasil. (2024) Health Psychol. 43, 114-124 Pubmed Health Psychol
Aprelini CMO, Siqueira JH, Martins HX, Pereira TSS, Urquía YJM and Molina MDCB. [Development and validation of the food quality score in ELSA-Brasil]. (2024) Nutr Hosp. 41, 175-185 Pubmed Nutr Hosp
Costa ABP, Machado LAC, Telles RW and Barreto SM. Obesity and the risk of multiple or severe frequent knee pain episodes: a 4-year follow-up of the ELSA-Brasil MSK cohort. (2024) Int J Obes (Lond). 48, 65-70 Pubmed Int J Obes (Lond)
Meneghini V, Tebar WR, Santos IS, Janovsky CCPS, de Almeida-Pititto B, Birck MG, Lotufo PA, Goulart AC, Sgarbi JA, Teixeira PFDS, Silva GTD and Benseñor IM. Potential Determinants of Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Mortality Risk: Results From the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2024) J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 109, e698-e710 Pubmed J Clin Endocrinol Metab
Fajardo VC, Barreto SM, Coelho CG, Diniz MFH, Molina MDCB, Ribeiro ALP and Telles RW. Adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and Serum Urate Concentrations: A Longitudinal Analysis from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2024) J Nutr. 154, 133-142 Pubmed J Nutr
Dutra RT, Bensenor IM, Goulart AC, Pereira AC, Lotufo PA and Santos IS. Carotid intima-media thickness and incident hypertension: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health. (2024) J Hypertens. 42, 129-135 Pubmed J Hypertens
Gonçalves Resende Ferreira L, Maria Barreto S, Bicalho Maluf C, Luiz Pinho Ribeiro A, das Graças Carvalho M, Carvalho Figueiredo R and Romana Alves Rios D. Thrombin generation and all-cause mortality in The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2024) Clin Chim Acta. 553, 117712 Pubmed Clin Chim Acta
Bacchi P, Suen P, Fatori D, Razza LB, Afonso L, Klein I, Cavendish B, Moreno ML, Santos IS, Benseñor I, Lotufo P and Brunoni AR. Incidence of Suicidal Ideation in a Civil Servants Cohort During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: Insights from the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2024) Trends Psychiatry Psychother. Pubmed Trends Psychiatry Psychother
Schettini IVG, Barreto SM, Brant LCC, Ribeiro ALP, Mill JG, Rios DRA and Figueiredo RC. Use of Antihypertensive Drugs and Arterial Stiffness in the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. Pubmed Cardiovasc Drugs Ther
Chwal BC, Dos Reis RCP, Schmidt MI, Barreto SM, Griep RH and Duncan BB. Achievement of Treatment Goals and Mortality in Individuals with Diabetes: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2023) J Clin Med. 12, Pubmed J Clin Med PMC Article
Cesena FY, Generoso G, Santos IS, Duncan BB, Ribeiro ALP, Brant LC, Mill JG, Pereira AC, Bittencourt MS, Santos RD, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Percentiles of predicted 10-year cardiovascular disease risk by sex and age in Brazil and their association with estimated risk of long-term atherosclerotic events. (2023) Prev Med. 177, 107755 Pubmed Prev Med
Moreira AD, Teles de Menezes S, Júnior MM, da Silva Vicente JT, Camelo LV and Barreto SM. Investigation of cancer incidence in ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Cancer Epidemiol. 87, 102467 Pubmed Cancer Epidemiol
Moreira TKB, Santos HCD, Mendes FD, Molina MDCB, Mill JG and Faria CP. Examining the Usage Patterns of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners among Non-Diabetic Individuals: Insights from the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Nutrients. 15, Pubmed Nutrients PMC Article
de Paula D, Crochemore-Silva I, Griep RH, Duncan BB and Schmidt MI. Accelerometry Measured Movement Behaviors in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2023) J Phys Act Health. 20, 1008-1017 Pubmed J Phys Act Health
Tavares NHC, Rodrigues BC, Arruda SPM, Szlejf C, Suemoto CK, Griep RH, Diniz MFHS, Giatti L, Barreto SM and Araújo LF. Untangle the relationship of muscle mass and bone mineral content on handgrip strength: Results of ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Cien Saude Colet. 28, 3191-3204 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Canhada SL, Vigo Á, Levy R, Luft VC, da Fonseca MJM, Giatti L, Molina MDCB, Duncan BB and Schmidt MI. Association between ultra-processed food consumption and the incidence of type 2 diabetes: the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) Diabetol Metab Syndr. 15, 233 Pubmed Diabetol Metab Syndr PMC Article
Spilack AM, Goulart AC, Janovsky CCPS, de Almeida-Pittito B, Lotufo PA, Sommer Bittencourt M, Generoso G, de Souza Santos I and Bensenor IM. The impact of diabetes and subclinical hypothyroidism association with coronary artery calcium: results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Arch Endocrinol Metab. 68, e220375 Pubmed Arch Endocrinol Metab PMC Article
Silva CSS, Bensenor IM, Goulart AC, Lotufo PA and Santos IS. Anaemia and its causes at the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health: a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data. (2023) Fam Pract. Pubmed Fam Pract
Balbi GGM, Signorelli F, Gandara AP, Azam I, de Barros S, Marreiros D, Genta PR, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM, Drager LF and Andrade D. Comorbid association of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome (tPAPS): A more severe phenotype?. (2023) Clin Immunol. 256, 109781 Pubmed Clin Immunol
Haas P, Santos ABS, Cañon-Montañez W, Bittencourt MS, Torres FS, Ribeiro ALP, Duncan BB and Foppa M. Associations Between Coronary Artery Calcification and Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain and Diastolic Parameters: the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2023) Am J Cardiol. 204, 215-222 Pubmed Am J Cardiol
Lelis DF, Cunha RS, Santos RD, Sposito AC, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Molina MDCB, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Mill JG and Baldo MP. Association Between Triglycerides, High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, and Their Ratio With the Pulse Wave Velocity in Adults From the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2023) Angiology. 74, 822-831 Pubmed Angiology
Pianca EG, Schmitz GB, Duncan BB, Foppa M and Santos ABS. Reproducibility of right ventricular function by longitudinal strain and other echocardiographic parameters in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 39, 1865-1870 Pubmed Int J Cardiovasc Imaging
Ribeiro NG, Lelis DF, Molina MDCB, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Mill JG and Baldo MP. The high salt intake in adults with metabolic syndrome is related to increased waist circumference and blood pressure: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health study (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Nutrition. 114, 112108 Pubmed Nutrition
Silva FM, Giatti L, Fonseca MJMD, Brant LCC, Diniz MFHS, Molina MDCB, Matos SMA, Vigo A and Barreto SM. Consumption of ultra-processed foods and eight-year risk of death from all causes and noncommunicable diseases in the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) Int J Food Sci Nutr. 1-10 Pubmed Int J Food Sci Nutr
Tebar WR, Meneghini V, Goulart AC, Santos IS, Santos RD, Bittencourt MS, Generoso G, Pereira AC, Blaha MJ, Jones SR, Toth PP, Otvos JD, Lotufo PA and Bensenor IM. Combined Association of Novel and Traditional Inflammatory Biomarkers With Carotid Artery Plaque: GlycA Versus C-Reactive Protein (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Am J Cardiol. 204, 140-150 Pubmed Am J Cardiol
Galvao S, Bensenor IM, Blaha MJ, Jones S, Toth PP, Santos RD, Bittencourt M, Lotufo PA and Teixeira PFDS. GlycA as a Novel Biomarker of Systemic Inflammation in Hypothyroidism. (2023) Thyroid. 33, 1171-1181 Pubmed Thyroid
Cunha LF, Santos RB, Giatti S, Parise BK, Aielo AN, Silva WA, Souza SP, Bortolotto LA, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Gender Modulated the Association of Sleep Apnea and Sleep Duration with Arterial Stiffness: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2023) Angiology. 33197231193618 Pubmed Angiology
Pimenta IT, Griep RH, de Matos SMA, de Fatima Haueisen Sander Diniz M, Moreno AB and de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca M. Body shape trajectories are associated with birth weight, body mass index and sociodemographic conditions in participants of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil): a multiple correspondence analysis. (2023) BMC Public Health. 23, 1857 Pubmed BMC Public Health PMC Article
Dos Santos AS, de Menezes ST, Silva IR, Oliveira WN, Pereira ML, Mill JG, Barreto SM and Figueiredo RC. Kidney function decline associated with proton pump inhibitors: results from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) BMC Nephrol. 24, 285 Pubmed BMC Nephrol PMC Article
Ferreira NV, Bertola L, Santos IS, Goulart AC, Bittencourt MS, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Caramelli P, Pereira A, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Suemoto CK. Association between carotid intima-media thickness and cognitive decline differs by race. (2023) Alzheimers Dement. 19, 3528-3536 Pubmed Alzheimers Dement
Tebar WR, Santos IS, Meneghini V, Bittencourt MS, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Carotid intima-media thickness in adults with and without psoriasis – a nested case-control study from baseline data of ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 39, 1483-1491 Pubmed Int J Cardiovasc Imaging
Santos CA, Fraga-Maia H, Pitanga FJG, Almeida MDCC, Fonseca MJM, Aquino EML, Cardoso LO, Barreto SM, Duncan B, Schmidt MI and Matos SMA. Anthropometric trajectory in the course of life and occurrence of sarcopenia in men and women: results from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) Br J Nutr. 130, 575-587 Pubmed Br J Nutr
de Araújo MDESC, da Conceição Chagas de Almeida M, Matos SMA, de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca M, Pitanga CPS and Pitanga FJG. Combined Effect of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on Abdominal Obesity in ELSA-Brasil Participants. (2023) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 20, Pubmed Int J Environ Res Public Health PMC Article
Jidling C, Gedon D, Schön TB, Oliveira CDL, Cardoso CS, Ferreira AM, Giatti L, Barreto SM, Sabino EC, Ribeiro ALP and Ribeiro AH. Screening for Chagas disease from the electrocardiogram using a deep neural network. (2023) PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 17, e0011118 Pubmed PLoS Negl Trop Dis PMC Article
Dos Santos ANM, Farias-Itao DS, Benseñor IM, Goulart AC, Brunoni AR, Viana MC, Lotufo PA and Suemoto CK. Correction to: Potentially inappropriate medications and cognitive performance: cross‑sectional results from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 79, 935 Pubmed Eur J Clin Pharmacol
Ribeiro JB, Hermsdorff HHM, Fonseca MJM, Molina MDCB, Griep RH and Juvanhol LL. Food consumption by degree of processing is associated with nocturnal dipping and blood pressure variability: The ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 33, 1377-1388 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Dos Santos ANM, Farias-Itao DS, Benseñor IM, Goulart AC, Brunoni AR, Viana MC, Lotufo PA and Suemoto CK. Potentially inappropriate medications and cognitive performance: cross-sectional results from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 79, 927-934 Pubmed Eur J Clin Pharmacol
Chagas SF, Zaniqueli D, Baldo MP, Lotufo PA, Duncan BB, Griep RH, Benseñor IM, de Oliveira Alvim R and Mill JG. The association between salt intake and blood pressure is mediated by body mass index but modified by hypertension: The ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) J Hum Hypertens. 37, 472-479 Pubmed J Hum Hypertens
Branda JIF, de Almeida-Pititto B, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Ferreira SRG and . Associations of prematurity and low birth weight with blood pressure and kidney function in middle-aged participants of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health: ELSA-Brasil. (2023) J Nephrol. 36, 1373-1382 Pubmed J Nephrol
Cacau LT, Levy J, Alves MA, Santos IS, Fonseca MJM, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Marchioni DM. Association between dietary patterns and carotid intima-media thickness: cross-sectional analysis of ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Eur J Nutr. 62, 1623-1633 Pubmed Eur J Nutr
Tozo TAA, Pereira BO, Brand C, Tadiotto MC, Moreira CMM and Leite N. Adolescents who practice physical activity have adequate food choices, regardless of the level of somatic maturation and adiposity. (2023) J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 36, 584-591 Pubmed J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab
Pedroso AF, Barreto SM, Telles RW, Machado LAC, Haueisen Sander Diniz MF, Duncan BB and Figueiredo RC. Uncovering the Relationship Between Statins and Muscle Problems in the ELSA-Brasil MSK Cohort. (2023) Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. Pubmed Cardiovasc Drugs Ther
Zanin Palchetti C, Gomes Gonçalves N, Vidal Ferreira N, Santos IS, Andrade Lotufo P, Bensenor IM, Suemoto CK and Marchioni DML. Dietary folate intake and its association with longitudinal changes in cognition function. (2023) Clin Nutr ESPEN. 55, 332-339 Pubmed Clin Nutr ESPEN
Machado AV, Camelo LV, Menezes ST, Guimarães JMN, Chor D, Griep RH, Matos SMA, Molina MDCB, Giatti L and Barreto SM. Racial discrimination predicts the increase in body weight and BMI in Black individuals from ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) Cien Saude Colet. 28, 1655-1662 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Castro L, Brant L, Diniz MF, Lotufo P, Bensenor IJ, Chor D, Griep R, Barreto SM and Ribeiro AL. Association of hypertension and insulin resistance in individuals free of diabetes in the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) Sci Rep. 13, 9456 Pubmed Sci Rep PMC Article
Meneghini V, Tebar WR, Souza Santos I, Silva Janovsky CCP, de Almeida-Pititto B, Lotufo PA, Goulart AC and Bensenor IM. Association between psoriasis and thyroid function: results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adults Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Arch Endocrinol Metab. 67, e000640 Pubmed Arch Endocrinol Metab PMC Article
Werneck AO, Schuch FB, Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Lotufo PA, Benseñor I, Teychenne M and Brunoni AR. Physical activity domains and incident clinical depression: A 4-year follow-up analysis from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2023) J Affect Disord. 329, 385-393 Pubmed J Affect Disord
da Silva EKP, Barreto SM, Brant LCC, Camelo LV, Araújo EM, Griep RH, Fonseca MJMD, Pereira ADC and Giatti L. Gender, race/skin colour and incidence of hypertension in ELSA-Brasil: an intersectional approach. (2023) Ethn Health. 28, 469-487 Pubmed Ethn Health
Barbosa F, Devoz PP, Cavalcante MRN, Gallimberti M, Cruz JC, Domingo JL, Simões EJ, Lotufo P, Liu S and Bensenor I. Urinary levels of 30 metal/metalloids in the Brazilian southeast population: Findings from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Environ Res. 225, 115624 Pubmed Environ Res
Aielo AN, Santos RB, Giatti S, Silva WA, Parise BK, Cunha LF, Souza SP, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Excessive daytime sleepiness, but not sleep apnea, sleep duration or insomnia, was associated with poor adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment: The ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Sleep Med. 104, 113-120 Pubmed Sleep Med
Suemoto CK, Santos RB, Giatti S, Aielo AN, Silva WA, Parise BK, Cunha LF, Souza SP, Griep RH, Brunoni AR, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Association between objective sleep measures and cognitive performance: a cross-sectional analysis in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) study. (2023) J Sleep Res. 32, e13659 Pubmed J Sleep Res
Parise BK, Santos RB, Mesas AE, Silva WA, Giatti S, Aielo AN, Cunha LF, Souza SP, Bortolotto LA, Griep RH, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Sleep irregularity and the association with hypertension and blood pressure levels: the ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) J Hypertens. 41, 670-677 Pubmed J Hypertens
Mello FM, Bensenor IM, Santos IS, Bittencourt MS, Lotufo PA and Fuller R. Serum Uric Acid Levels and Subclinical Atherosclerosis: Results From the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Curr Probl Cardiol. 48, 101525 Pubmed Curr Probl Cardiol
Szlejf C, Suemoto CK, Goulart AC, Santos IS, Bacchi PS, Fatori D, Razza LB, Viana MC, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Brunoni AR. A pandemic toll in frail older adults: Higher odds of incident and persistent common mental disorders in the ELSA-Brasil COVID-19 mental health cohort. (2023) J Affect Disord. 325, 392-398 Pubmed J Affect Disord PMC Article
Cacau LT, Benseñor IM, Goulart AC, Cardoso LO, Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Moreno LA and Marchioni DM. Adherence to the EAT-Lancet sustainable reference diet and cardiometabolic risk profile: cross-sectional results from the ELSA-Brasil cohort study. (2023) Eur J Nutr. 62, 807-817 Pubmed Eur J Nutr
Canhada SL, Vigo Á, Luft VC, Levy RB, Alvim Matos SM, Del Carmen Molina M, Giatti L, Barreto S, Duncan BB and Schmidt MI. Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Increased Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults: The ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Diabetes Care. 46, 369-376 Pubmed Diabetes Care PMC Article
Ferriani LO, Silva DA, Molina MDCB, Mill JG, Brunoni AR, da Fonseca MJM, Moreno AB, Benseñor IM, de Aguiar OB, Barreto SM and Viana MC. Depression is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome: Results from the ELSA-Brasil cohort study. (2023) J Psychiatr Res. 158, 56-62 Pubmed J Psychiatr Res
Enriquez-Martinez OG, Silva Pereira TS, Mill JG, Fonseca MJMD, Molina MDCB and Griep RH. Excessive Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Extremely High Levels of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HALP) in the ELSA-Brasil Cohort Baseline. (2023) Nutrients. 15, Pubmed Nutrients PMC Article
de Oliveira da Silva Scaranni P, Griep RH, Pitanga FJG, Barreto SM, Matos SMA and de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca M. Work from home and the association with sedentary behaviors, leisure-time and domestic physical activity in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) BMC Public Health. 23, 305 Pubmed BMC Public Health PMC Article
Alves MA, Miranda AM, Cacau LT, Levy J, Generoso G, Bittencourt MS, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Marchioni DM. Dietary patterns and subclinical atherosclerosis incidence and progression: Results from ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 33, 47-55 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Fajardo VC, Barreto SM, Coelho CG, Haueisen Sander Diniz MF, Bisi Molina MDC, Pinho Ribeiro AL and Telles RW. Ultra-processed foods: Cross-sectional and longitudinal association with uric acid and hyperuricemia in ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 33, 75-83 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Siqueira JH, Pereira TSS, Moreira AD, Diniz MFHS, Velasquez-Melendez G, Fonseca MJM, Barreto SM, Benseñor IM, Mill JG and Molina MCB. Consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks and risk of metabolic syndrome and its components: results of the ELSA-Brasil study (2008-2010 and 2012-2014). (2023) J Endocrinol Invest. 46, 159-171 Pubmed J Endocrinol Invest
Kohl IS, Luft VC, Patrão AL, Molina MDCB, Nunes MAA and Schmidt MI. Association between meatless diet and depressive episodes: A cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the longitudinal study of adult health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) J Affect Disord. 320, 48-56 Pubmed J Affect Disord
Sánchez-Martínez Y, Goulart AC, de Almeida-Pititto B, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Tebar WR and Benseñor IM. Association between Leisure-Time and Commute Physical Activity and Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2023) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 20, Pubmed Int J Environ Res Public Health PMC Article
Chwal BC, Dos Reis RCP, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Barreto SM and Griep RH. Levels and correlates of risk factor control in diabetes mellitus -ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Diabetol Metab Syndr. 15, 4 Pubmed Diabetol Metab Syndr PMC Article
Brunoni AR, Suen PJC, Bacchi PS, Razza LB, Klein I, Dos Santos LA, de Souza Santos I, da Costa Lane Valiengo L, Gallucci-Neto J, Moreno ML, Pinto BS, de Cássia Silva Félix L, de Sousa JP, Viana MC, Forte PM, de Altisent Oliveira Cardoso MC, Bittencourt MS, Pelosof R, de Siqueira LL, Fatori D, Bellini H, Bueno PVS, Passos IC, Nunes MA, Salum GA, Bauermeister S, Smoller JW, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Prevalence and risk factors of psychiatric symptoms and diagnoses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the ELSA-Brasil COVID-19 mental health cohort. (2023) Psychol Med. 53, 446-457 Pubmed Psychol Med PMC Article
Martins KPMP, Barreto SM, Bos D, Pedrosa J, Azevedo DRM, Araújo LF, Foppa M, Duncan BB, Ribeiro ALP and Brant LCC. Epicardial Fat Volume Is Associated with Endothelial Dysfunction, but not with Coronary Calcification: From the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 119, 912-920 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Fatori D, Suen P, Bacchi P, Afonso L, Klein I, Cavendish BA, Lee YH, Liu Z, Bauermeister J, Moreno ML, Viana MC, Goulart AC, Santos IS, Bauermeister S, Smoller J, Lotufo P, Benseñor IM and Brunoni AR. Trajectories of common mental disorders symptoms before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the ELSA-Brasil COVID-19 Mental Health Cohort. (2022) Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 57, 2445-2455 Pubmed Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol PMC Article
Miranda AM, Goulart AC, Generoso G, Bittencourt MS, Santos RD, Toth PP, Jones SR, Benseñor IM, Lotufo PA and Marchioni DM. Association between coffee consumption with serum lipid profile in ELSA-Brasil study: a metabolomic approach. (2022) Eur J Nutr. 61, 4205-4214 Pubmed Eur J Nutr
Telles RW, Machado LAC, Costa-Silva L and Barreto SM. Cohort Profile Update: The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health Musculoskeletal (ELSA-Brasil MSK) cohort. (2022) Int J Epidemiol. 51, e391-e400 Pubmed Int J Epidemiol
Lopes de Oliveira T, Oliveira RVC, Griep RH, Moreno AB, Melo ECP, Lotufo PA, Toivanen S and Fonseca MJMD. The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil): Factors Related to Smoking Cessation. (2022) Int J Behav Med. 29, 718-727 Pubmed Int J Behav Med
de Almeida Alves M, Molina MDCB, da Fonseca MJM, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Marchioni DML. Different statistical methods identify similar population-specific dietary patterns: an analysis of Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) Br J Nutr. 128, 2249-2257 Pubmed Br J Nutr
Bianco HT. Analysis of Atrial Fibrillation Prevalence and Cardiovascular Health in Cohort Derived from the ELSA-Brasil Project. (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 119, 732-733 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Patrão AL, da Conceição Almeida M, Henriques A, M Alvim Matos S, Barros H, Harter Griep R and Aquino EML. Body image distortion among Brazilian and Portuguese women with children: A comparative study between the ELSA-Brasil and Generation XXI cohorts. (2022) Prev Med. 164, 107316 Pubmed Prev Med
Silva VC, Gorgulho B, Marchioni DM, Alvim SM, Giatti L, de Araujo TA, Alonso AC, Santos IS, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Recommender System Based on Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Dietary Advice: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2022) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 19, Pubmed Int J Environ Res Public Health PMC Article
Moreira PA, Matos SMA, Pitanga FJG, Giatti L, Barreto SM, Harter Griep R, Almeida MDCC and Santos CAST. Association between Sedentary Behavior and Cognitive Performance in Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults: Cross-Sectional Results from ELSA-Brasil. (2022) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 19, Pubmed Int J Environ Res Public Health PMC Article
Pitanga FJG, Almeida MDC, Duncan BB, Mill JG, Giatti L, Molina MDCB, Fonseca MJMD, Schmidt MI, Griep RH, Barreto SM and Matos SMA. Leisure Time Physical Activity and SARS-CoV-2 Infection among ELSA-Brasil Participants. (2022) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 19, Pubmed Int J Environ Res Public Health PMC Article
Silva VC, Gorgulho B, Marchioni DM, Araujo TA, Santos IS, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Clustering analysis and machine learning algorithms in the prediction of dietary patterns: Cross-sectional results of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) J Hum Nutr Diet. 35, 883-894 Pubmed J Hum Nutr Diet
Izar MC and Fonseca FAH. Blood Pressure Variability and Cardiovascular Risk in ELSA-Brasil: A Potential Surrogate Marker for Predicting Mortality and Cardiovascular Outcomes?. (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 119, 512-513 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Zarife AS, Fraga-Maia H, Mill JG, Lotufo P, Griep RH, Fonseca MJMD, Brito LL, Almeida MDC, Aras R and Matos SMA. Within-Visit Blood Pressure Variability and Cardiovascular Risk in ELSA-Brasil Study Participants. (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 119, 505-511 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Ruela GA, Barreto SM, Griep RH, Benseñor IM, Telles RW and Camelo LV. Job stress and chronic and widespread musculoskeletal pain: a cross-sectional analysis from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health Musculoskeletal. (2022) Pain. 163, 2044-2051 Pubmed Pain
Santos RB, Giatti S, Aielo AN, Silva WA, Parise BK, Cunha LF, Souza SP, Alencar AP, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Self-reported versus actigraphy-assessed sleep duration in the ELSA-Brasil study: analysis of the short/long sleep duration reclassification. (2022) Sleep Breath. 26, 1437-1445 Pubmed Sleep Breath
Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Goulart AC, Brant LCC, Pinto Filho MM, Pereira AC, Barreto SM, Ribeiro ALP, Thomas GN, Lip GYH, Bensenor IM, , Arasalingam A, Beane A, Bensenor IM, Brocklehurst P, Cheng KK, El-Bouri W, Feng M, Goulart AC, Greenfield S, Guo Y, Guruparan M, Gusso G, Gooden TE, Haniffa R, Humphreys L, Jolly K, Jowett S, Kumarendran B, Lancashire E, Lane DA, Li X, Lip Co-Pi GYH, Li YG, Lobban T, Lotufo PA, Manseki-Holland S, Moore DJ, Nirantharakumar K, Olmos RD, Paschoal E, Pirasanth P, Powsiga U, Romagnolli C, Santos IS, Shantsila A, Sheron VA, Shribavan K, Szmigin I, Subaschandren K, Surenthirakumaran R, Tai M, Neil Thomas Co-Pi G, Varella AC, Wang H, Wang J, Zhang H and Zhong J. Cardiovascular Health and Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter: A Cross-Sectional Study from ELSA-Brasil. (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 119, 724-31 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Oliveira AB, Peres MFP, Mercante JPP, Molina MDCB, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Goulart AC. Physical activity pattern and migraine according to aura symptoms in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) cohort: A cross-sectional study. (2022) Headache. 62, 977-988 Pubmed Headache
Haueisen Sander Diniz MF, M R Beleigoli A, Isabel Rodrigues Galvão A, Weiss Telles R, Inês Schmidt M, B Duncan B, M Benseñor I, Luiz P Ribeiro A, Vidigal PG and Maria Barreto S. Serum uric acid is a predictive biomarker of incident metabolic syndrome at the Brazilian longitudinal study of adult Health (ELSA – Brasil). (2022) Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 191, 110046 Pubmed Diabetes Res Clin Pract
Dos Santos ANM, Junior GAAG, Benseñor IM, Goulart AC, Brunoni AR, Viana MC, Lotufo PA and Suemoto CK. Anticholinergic burden and cognitive performance: cross-sectional results from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2022) Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 78, 1527-1534 Pubmed Eur J Clin Pharmacol
Levy J, Silva AM, De Carli E, Cacau LT, de Alvarenga JFR, Fiamoncini J, Benseñor IM, Lotufo PA and Marchioni DM. Biomarkers of Fruit Intake Using a Targeted Metabolomics Approach: an Observational Cross-Sectional Analysis of the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2022) J Nutr. 152, 2023-2030 Pubmed J Nutr
Camelo LV, Machado AV, Chor D, Griep RH, Mill JG, Brant LCC and Barreto SM. Racial discrimination is associated with greater arterial stiffness and carotid intima-media thickness: the ELSA-Brasil study. (2022) Ann Epidemiol. 72, 40-47 Pubmed Ann Epidemiol
Chaves RDCS, Aguiar OB, Moreno AB, Brunoni AR, Molina MDCB, Viana MC, Bensoñor I, Griep RH and da Fonseca MJM. Consumption of Omega-3 and Maintenance and Incidence of Depressive Episodes: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2022) Nutrients. 14, Pubmed Nutrients PMC Article
Mendes PM, Nobre AA, Griep RH, Juvanhol LL, Barreto SM, Fonseca MJM and Chor D. Association between race/color and incidence of hypertension in the ELSA-Brasil population: investigating the mediation of racial discrimination and socioeconomic position. (2022) Ethn Health. 27, 1047-1057 Pubmed Ethn Health
Oliveira FEG, Griep RH, Chor D, Giatti L, Machado LAC, Barreto SM, da Costa Pereira A, Fonseca MJMD and Bastos LS. Racial inequalities in multimorbidity: baseline of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) BMC Public Health. 22, 1319 Pubmed BMC Public Health PMC Article
Carvalho NM, Maluf CB, Azevedo DRM, Reis RCPD, Castilhos CD, Barreto SM and Vidigal PG. Red cell distribution width is associated with cardiovascular risk in adults. (2022) Cien Saude Colet. 27, 2753-2762 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Birck MG, Almeida-Pititto B, Janovsky CCPS, Goulart AC, Santos IS, Teixeira PFDS, Sgarbi JA, Barreto SM, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Lotufo PA and Bensenor IM. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Thyroid Hormones and Incidence of Diabetes: Prospective Results of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-BRASIL). (2022) Thyroid. 32, 694-704 Pubmed Thyroid
Ferreira-Campos L, Gabrielli L, Almeida MDCC, Aquino EML, Matos SMA, Griep RH and Aras R. Hormone therapy and Hypertension in Postmenopausal Women: Results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 118, 905-913 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Dório M, Benseñor IM, Lotufo P, Santos IS and Fuller R. Reference range of serum uric acid and prevalence of hyperuricemia: a cross-sectional study from baseline data of ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2022) Adv Rheumatol. 62, 15 Pubmed Adv Rheumatol
Fernandes LP, Almeida MDCC, Matos SA, Campos ACP, Câmara EJN, Foppa M, Ribeiro ALP, Barreto SM and Aras Júnior R. Simple Echocardiographic Parameters are Strong Predictors of the Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Individuals: Elsa-Brasil Cohort. (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 118, 916-924 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Scaranni PODS, de Oliveira Cardoso L, Griep RH, Lotufo PA, Barreto SM and da Fonseca MJM. Consumption of ultra-processed foods and incidence of dyslipidemias: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) Br J Nutr. 1-22 Pubmed Br J Nutr
Sousa CT, Ribeiro A, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Brant L, Lotufo P, Chor D, Lopes AA, Mengue SS, Baldoni AO and Figueiredo RC. Racial Differences in Blood Pressure Control from Users of Antihypertensive Monotherapy: Results from the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2022) Arq Bras Cardiol. 118, 614-622 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Riboldi BP, Luft VC, Bracco PA, de Oliveira Cardoso L, Molina MDC, Alvim S, Giatti L, Schmidt MI and Duncan BB. The inflammatory food index and its association with weight gain and incidence of diabetes: Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 32, 675-683 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Silva FM, Giatti L, Diniz MFHS, Brant LCC and Barreto SM. Dairy product consumption reduces cardiovascular mortality: results after 8 year follow-up of ELSA-Brasil. (2022) Eur J Nutr. 61, 859-869 Pubmed Eur J Nutr
Alvim Matos SM, Duncan BB, Bensenor IM, Mill JG, Giatti L, Molina MDCB, Mendes da Fonseca MJ, Schmidt MI, Lotufo PA, Griep RH, Barreto SM and Almeida MDCC. Incidence of excess body weight and annual weight gain in women and men: Results from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2022) Am J Hum Biol. 34, e23606 Pubmed Am J Hum Biol
Torres GG, Siqueira JH, Martinez OGE, Pereira TSS, Meléndez JGV, Duncan BB, Goulart AC and Molina MDCB. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and abdominal obesity: cross-sectional analysis of ELSA-Brasil. (2022) Cien Saude Colet. 27, 737-746 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Juvanhol LL, Silva-Costa A, Rotenberg L, Moreno AB, Melo ECP, Santos IS, Nunes MAA, Toivanen S, Chor D and Griep RH. Is work-family conflict a pathway between job strain components and binge eating? A cross-sectional analysis from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2022) J Eat Disord. 10, 16 Pubmed J Eat Disord PMC Article
Suen PJC, Bacchi PS, Razza L, Dos Santos LA, Fatori D, Klein I, Passos IC, Smoller JW, Bauermeister S, Goulart AC, de Souza Santos I, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA, Heeren A and Brunoni AR. Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of the network approach to psychopathology: Analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Health (ELSA-Brasil) cohort over a 12-year timespan. (2022) J Anxiety Disord. 85, 102512 Pubmed J Anxiety Disord PMC Article
Ferriani LO, Silva DA, Molina MDCB, Mill JG, Brunoni AR, da Fonseca MJM, Moreno AB, Benseñor IM, de Aguiar OB, Barreto SM and Viana MC. Associations of depression and intake of antioxidants and vitamin B complex: Results of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) J Affect Disord. 297, 259-268 Pubmed J Affect Disord
Fonseca MIH, Almeida-Pititto B, Bittencourt MS, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA and Ferreira SRG. Menopause Is Associated with Coronary Artery Calcium Score: Results from the ELSA-Brasil. (2022) J Womens Health (Larchmt). 31, 23-30 Pubmed J Womens Health (Larchmt)
Silva WA, Almeida-Pititto B, Santos RB, Aielo AN, Giatti S, Parise BK, Souza SP, Vivolo SF, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with lower adiponectin and higher cholesterol levels independently of traditional factors and other sleep disorders in middle-aged adults: the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2021) Sleep Breath. 25, 1935-1944 Pubmed Sleep Breath
Hoshi RA, Santos IS, Dantas EM, Andreão RV, Mill JG, Lotufo PA and Bensenor I. Reduced heart-rate variability and increased risk of hypertension-a prospective study of the ELSA-Brasil. (2021) J Hum Hypertens. 35, 1088-1097 Pubmed J Hum Hypertens
Benseñor IM, Junior FB, Janovsky CCPS, Marchioni D, de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz M, de Souza Santos I, de Almeida-Pititto B, Sgarbi JA, Del Carmen B Molina M, Mill JG and Lotufo PA. Urinary iodine and sodium concentration and thyroid status in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) J Trace Elem Med Biol. 68, 126805 Pubmed J Trace Elem Med Biol
Resende BAM, Beleigoli AMR, Ribeiro ALP, Duncan B, Schmidt MI, Mill JG, Goulart AC, Pereira ADC, Barreto SM and Diniz MFHS. Chagas disease is not associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction at baseline of Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Parasitol Int. 85, 102440 Pubmed Parasitol Int
Oliveira AB, Mercante JPP, Peres MFP, Molina MDCB, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Goulart AC. Physical inactivity and headache disorders: Cross-sectional analysis in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Cephalalgia. 41, 1467-1485 Pubmed Cephalalgia
Librenza-Garcia D, Passos IC, Feiten JG, Lotufo PA, Goulart AC, de Souza Santos I, Viana MC, Benseñor IM and Brunoni AR. Prediction of depression cases, incidence, and chronicity in a large occupational cohort using machine learning techniques: an analysis of the ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) Psychol Med. 51, 2895-2903 Pubmed Psychol Med
Benseñor IM, Janovsky CCPS, Goulart AC, de Souza Santos I, de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz M, de Almeida-Pititto B, Sgarbi JA and Lotufo PA. Incidence of TPOAb over a 4-year follow-up period: results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Arch Endocrinol Metab. 65, 832-840 Pubmed Arch Endocrinol Metab PMC Article
Dos Santos AS, de Menezes ST, Bensenor IM, Goulart AC, Barreto SM and Figueiredo RC. Lack of association between proton pump inhibitor use and decline in cognitive performance in the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2021) Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 77, 1725-1735 Pubmed Eur J Clin Pharmacol
Vidal KSM, Bertola L, Suemoto CK, Moreno AB, Duncan B, Schmidt MI, Maestri M, Barreto SM, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Brunoni AR. Glaucoma, but not cataracts, predicts lower verbal fluency performance: 3.8-year follow-up from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 28, 871-883 Pubmed Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn
Almeida LFF, Barreto SM, Souza RCF, Cardoso LO and Giatti L. Neighborhood greenspace and cardiometabolic risk factors: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis in ELSA-Brasil participants. (2021) Health Place. 72, 102699 Pubmed Health Place
Benseñor IM, Sgarbi JA, Janovsky CCPS, Pittito BA, de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz M, da Conceição Chagas de Almeida M, Alvim SM, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, de Jesus M Fonseca M, Griep RH, Del Carmen B Molina M, Mill JG, de Souza Santos I, Goulart AC and Lotufo PA. Incidence of thyroid diseases: Results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Arch Endocrinol Metab. 65, 468-478 Pubmed Arch Endocrinol Metab PMC Article
Solmi F, Moreno AB, Lewis G, Angélica Nunes M, de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca M and Harter Griep R. Longitudinal association between binge eating and metabolic syndrome in adults: Findings from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2021) Acta Psychiatr Scand. 144, 464-474 Pubmed Acta Psychiatr Scand PMC Article
Cacau LT, Benseñor IM, Goulart AC, Cardoso LO, Lotufo PA, Moreno LA and Marchioni DM. Adherence to the Planetary Health Diet Index and Obesity Indicators in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Nutrients. 13, Pubmed Nutrients PMC Article
Almeida RT, Matos SMA and Aquino EML. Individual and Combined Performance of Indicators of Overall and Central Obesity to Estimate Coronary Risk in ELSA-Brasil Participants. (2021) Arq Bras Cardiol. 117, 701-712 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Gorgulho B, Alves MA, Teixeira JA, Santos RO, de Matos SA, Bittencourt MS, Benseñor I, Lotufo P and Marchioni DM. Dietary patterns associated with subclinical atherosclerosis: a cross-sectional analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) study. (2021) Public Health Nutr. 24, 5006-5014 Pubmed Public Health Nutr PMC Article
Pitanga FJG, Griep RH, Almeida MDC, Fonseca MJMD, Souza AR, Silva RC and Matos SMA. Association between Leisure Time Physical Activity and HDL-C in the Elsa-Brasil Study Participants: Are There Any Gender Differences in the Dose-Response Effect?. (2021) Arq Bras Cardiol. 117, 494-500 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Castelo Azevedo D, Carneiro Machado LA, Giatti L, Harter Griep R, Telles RW and Barreto SM. Different Components of Subjective Well-being Are Associated With Chronic Nondisabling and Disabling Knee Pain: ELSA-Brasil Musculoskeletal Cohort. (2021) J Clin Rheumatol. 27, S301-S307 Pubmed J Clin Rheumatol
Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Brant L, Pinto Filho MM, Pereira ADC, Barreto SM, Ribeiro AL, Thomas GN, Lip GYH and Bensenor IM. Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis using ECG Records and Self-Report in the Community: Cross-Sectional Analysis from ELSA-Brasil. (2021) Arq Bras Cardiol. 117, 426-434 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Lopes de Oliveira T, Oliveira RVC, Griep RH, Moreno AB, Almeida MDCC, Almquist YB and Fonseca MJMD. Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) participant’s profile regarding self-rated health: a multiple correspondence analysis. (2021) BMC Public Health. 21, 1761 Pubmed BMC Public Health PMC Article
Scaranni PODS, Cardoso LO, Chor D, Melo ECP, Matos SMA, Giatti L, Barreto SM and da Fonseca MJM. Ultra-processed foods, changes in blood pressure and incidence of hypertension: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Public Health Nutr. 24, 3352-3360 Pubmed Public Health Nutr PMC Article
Lopes JAS, Giatti L, Griep RH, Lopes AADS, Matos SMA, Chor D, Fonseca MJM and Barreto SM. Life Course Socioeconomic Position, Intergenerational Social Mobility, and Hypertension Incidence in ELSA-Brasil. (2021) Am J Hypertens. 34, 801-809 Pubmed Am J Hypertens
Schuch FB, Werneck AO, Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Teychene M, Lotufo PA, Benseñor I and Brunoni AR. Cross-sectional associations of leisure and transport related physical activity with depression and anxiety. (2021) J Psychiatr Res. 140, 228-234 Pubmed J Psychiatr Res
Lima EM, Ribeiro AH, Paixão GMM, Ribeiro MH, Pinto-Filho MM, Gomes PR, Oliveira DM, Sabino EC, Duncan BB, Giatti L, Barreto SM, Meira W, Schön TB and Ribeiro ALP. Deep neural network-estimated electrocardiographic age as a mortality predictor. (2021) Nat Commun. 12, 5117 Pubmed Nat Commun PMC Article
Pereira ENGDS, Paula DP, de Araujo BP, da Fonseca MJM, Diniz MFHS, Daliry A and Griep RH. Advanced glycation end product: A potential biomarker for risk stratification of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) World J Gastroenterol. 27, 4913-4928 Pubmed World J Gastroenterol PMC Article
Machado AV, Camelo LV, Chor D, Griep RH, Guimarães JMN, Giatti L and Barreto SM. Racial inequality, racial discrimination and obesity incidence in adults from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2021) J Epidemiol Community Health. 75, 695-701 Pubmed J Epidemiol Community Health
Pereira TS, Fonseca FAH, Fonseca MIH, Martins CM, Fonseca HAR, Fonzar WT, Goulart AC, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA and Izar MC. Phytosterol consumption and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis: Cross-sectional results from ELSA-Brasil. (2021) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 31, 1756-1766 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Coutinho DF, de Figueiredo RC, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Barreto SM and Diniz MFHS. Association between control of diabetes mellitus and polypharmacy at the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 30, 749-757 Pubmed Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf
Siqueira JH, Pereira TSS, Velasquez-Melendez G, Barreto SM, Benseñor IM, Mill JG and Molina MCB. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks consumption and risk of hyperuricemia: Results of the ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 31, 2004-2013 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Levy J, Miranda AAM, De Carli E, Bittencourt MS, Benseñor IJ, Lotufo PA and Marchioni DM. Ingestion of magnesium was not associated with coronary calcium score in a cross-sectional study. (2021) Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 91, 217-223 Pubmed Int J Vitam Nutr Res
Imbiriba L, Tess BH, Griep RH, Fonseca MJM, Pereira AC, Diniz MFS, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Santos IS. Metabolic status is not associated with job stress in individuals with obesity: the ELSA-Brasil baseline. (2021) Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 94, 639-646 Pubmed Int Arch Occup Environ Health
Varella AC, Benseñor IM, Janovsky CCPS, Goulart AC, Birck MG, Santos IS, Brunoni AR and Lotufo PA. Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels and incident depression: Results from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 94, 858-865 Pubmed Clin Endocrinol (Oxf)
Albuquerque LDS, Griep RH, Aquino EML, Cardoso LO, Chor D and Fonseca MJMD. Factors associated with body image dissatisfaction in adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2021) Cien Saude Colet. 26, 1941-1954 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Pedrosa JF, Brant LCC, de Aquino SA, Ribeiro AL and Barreto SM. Segmental Evaluation of Thoracic Aortic Calcium and Their Relations with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Cells. 10, Pubmed Cells PMC Article
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Souza SP, Santos RB, Santos IS, Parise BK, Giatti S, Aielo AN, Cunha LF, Silva WA, Bortolotto LA, Lorenzi-Filho G, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Sleep Duration, and Associated Mediators With Carotid Intima-Media Thickness: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2021) Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 41, 1549-1557 Pubmed Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
Giatti S, Santos RB, Aielo AN, Silva WA, Parise BK, Souza SP, Pio-Abreu A, Bortolotto LA, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Association of Sodium with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2021) Ann Am Thorac Soc. 18, 502-510 Pubmed Ann Am Thorac Soc
Bertola L, Benseñor IM, Goulart AC, Brunoni AR, Caramelli P, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Salvador L, Griep RH, Moreno AB, Lotufo PA and Suemoto CK. Normative Data for the ELSA-Brasil Neuropsychological Assessment and Operationalized Criterion for Cognitive Impairment for Middle-Aged and Older Adults. (2021) J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 27, 293-303 Pubmed J Int Neuropsychol Soc
Silva DA, Coutinho EDSF, de Figueiredo RC, Molina MDCB, Mill JG, de Faria CP, Nunes MA, Moreno AB, Giatti L, Barreto SM and Viana MC. Depression is associated with increased adiposity in a 4-year follow-up: results from the ELSA-Brasil. (2021) J Affect Disord. 282, 179-186 Pubmed J Affect Disord
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Janovsky CCPS, Bittencourt MS, Goulart AC, Santos RD, Blaha MJ, Jones S, Toth PP, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Unfavorable Triglyceride-rich Particle Profile in Subclinical Thyroid Disease: A Cross-sectional Analysis of ELSA-Brasil. (2021) Endocrinology. 162, Pubmed Endocrinology
Masi LN, Lotufo PA, Ferreira FM, Rodrigues AC, Serdan TDA, Souza-Siqueira T, Braga AA, Saldarriaga MEG, Alba-Loureiro TC, Borges FT, Cury DP, Hirata MH, Gorjão R, Pithon-Curi TC, Lottenberg SA, Fedeli LMG, Nakaya HTI, Bensenor IJM, Curi R and Hirabara SM. Profiling plasma-extracellular vesicle proteins and microRNAs in diabetes onset in middle-aged male participants in the ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) Physiol Rep. 9, e14731 Pubmed Physiol Rep PMC Article
de Menezes ST, Giatti L, Brant LCC, Griep RH, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Suemoto CK, Ribeiro ALP and Barreto SM. Hypertension, Prehypertension, and Hypertension Control: Association With Decline in Cognitive Performance in the ELSA-Brasil Cohort. (2021) Hypertension. 77, 672-681 Pubmed Hypertension
Schmidt MI, Bracco P, Canhada S, Guimarães JMN, Barreto SM, Chor D, Griep R, Yudkin JS and Duncan BB. Regression to the Mean Contributes to the Apparent Improvement in Glycemia 3.8 Years After Screening: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2021) Diabetes Care. 44, 81-88 Pubmed Diabetes Care PMC Article
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Zaniqueli D, de Oliveira Alvim R, Griep RH, Benseñor IM, Barreto SM, Lotufo PA and Mill JG. Insulin resistance may be misdiagnosed by HOMA-IR in adults with greater fat-free mass: the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2021) Acta Diabetol. 58, 73-80 Pubmed Acta Diabetol
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Maria Teixeira M, Passos V, Barreto S, Inês Schmidt M, Duncan B, Beleigoli A, de Jesus Fonseca M, Vidigal P, Figueiredo R, Colosimo E, Araújo L and de Fátima Haueisen S Diniz M. Markers of adiposity, insulin resistance, prediabetes and cognitive function at baseline of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA – Brasil). (2020) Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 170, 108499 Pubmed Diabetes Res Clin Pract
Lorentz LBL, Santos IS, Bittencourt MS, Griep RH, Lotufo PA, Bivanco-Lima D and Benseñor IJM. Job Stress and Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease: Cross-Sectional Results of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) J Occup Environ Med. 62, 1052-1058 Pubmed J Occup Environ Med
Janovsky CCPS, Generoso G, Goulart AC, Santos RD, Blaha MJ, Jones S, Toth PP, Lotufo PA, Bittencourt MS and Benseñor IM. Differences in HDL particle size in the presence of subclinical thyroid dysfunctions: The ELSA-Brasil study. (2020) Atherosclerosis. 312, 60-65 Pubmed Atherosclerosis
Santos IS, Suemoto CK, ValladÃo-Junior JBR, Liu S, Barreto SM, Fedeli LMG, Lotufo PA and Bensenor IM. Serum folate levels and cognitive performance in the ELSA-Brasil baseline assessment. (2020) Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 78, 672-680 Pubmed Arq Neuropsiquiatr PMC Article
Silva AAGO, Araujo LF, Diniz MFHS, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM, Barreto SM and Giatti L. Neck Circumference and 10-Year Cardiovascular Risk at the Baseline of the ELSA-Brasil Study: Difference by Sex. (2020) Arq Bras Cardiol. 115, 840-848 Pubmed Arq Bras Cardiol PMC Article
Duncan BB, Castilhos CD, Bracco PA, Schmidt MI, Kang S, Im S, Lee HK, Vigo Á and Pak YK. Aryl-hydrocarbon receptor binding and the incidence of type 2 diabetes: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Environ Health. 19, 105 Pubmed Environ Health PMC Article
van Duinkerken E, Moreno AB, Eto FN, Lotufo P, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Viana MC, Nunes MA, Chor D and Griep RH. Biopsychosocial factors associated with a current depressive episode in diabetes: the ELSA-Brasil study. (2020) Diabet Med. 37, 1742-1751 Pubmed Diabet Med PMC Article
Raele R, Lotufo PA, Bittencourt MS, de Jesus M Fonseca M, Goulart AC, Santos IS and Bensenor IM. The association of waist-to-height ratio and other anthropometric measurements with subclinical atherosclerosis: Results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 30, 1989-1998 Pubmed Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
Camargo TR, Luft VC, Duncan BB, Nunes MAA, Chor D, Griep RH, da Fonseca MJM, Barreto SM, de Matos SMA and Schmidt MI. Sleep problems and their association with weight and waist gain – The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Sleep Med. 73, 196-201 Pubmed Sleep Med
Cardoso R, Generoso G, Staniak HL, Foppa M, Duncan BB, Pereira AC, Blaha MJ, Blankstein R, Nasir K, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA and Bittencourt MS. Predictors of coronary artery calcium incidence and progression: The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Atherosclerosis. 309, 8-15 Pubmed Atherosclerosis
da Fonseca MJM, Pimenta IT, Albuquerque LDS, Aquino EML, Cardoso LO, Chor D and Griep RH. Factors Associated with Body Size Perception and Body Image (Dis)Satisfaction in the Elderly: Results of the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2020) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17, Pubmed Int J Environ Res Public Health PMC Article
Diniz MFHS, Beleigoli AMR, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Ribeiro ALP, Vidigal PG, Benseñor IM, Lotufo PA, Santos IS, Griep RH and Barreto SM. Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and metabolic syndrome at baseline of a multicentric Brazilian cohort: ELSA-Brasil study. (2020) Cad Saude Publica. 36, e00072120 Pubmed Cad Saude Publica
José F Peixoto de Miranda É, Goulart AC, Sommer Bittencourt M, Santos RD, Blaha MJ, Jones S, Toth PP, Kulkarni K, Santos IS, Lotufo PA and Bensenor IM. Relationship between TSH Levels and the Advanced Lipoprotein Profile in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Endocr Res. 45, 163-173 Pubmed Endocr Res
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Levy J, Miranda AAM, Teixeira JA, Carli E, Benseñor IJM, Lotufo PA and Marchioni DML. Magnesium intake in a Longitudinal Study of Adult Health: associated factors and the main food sources. (2020) Cien Saude Colet. 25, 2541-2550 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Brandão JM, Nobre AA, Guimarães JMN, de Jesus Mendes da Fonseca M, Matos SMA, Luft VC and de Oliveira Cardoso L. Influence of internal migration on body mass index: Results of the ELSA-Brasil study. (2020) Am J Hum Biol. 32, e23377 Pubmed Am J Hum Biol
Szlejf C, Suemoto CK, Janovsky CCPS, Barreto SM, Diniz MFHS, Lotufo PA and Bensenor IM. Thyroid Function and Sarcopenia: Results from the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2020) J Am Geriatr Soc. 68, 1545-1553 Pubmed J Am Geriatr Soc
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Costa ABP, Machado LAC, Telles RW and Barreto SM. Dose-response associations of clinical markers of obesity and duration of exposure to excess weight with chronic musculoskeletal pain: cross-sectional analysis at baseline of ELSA-Brasil Musculoskeletal cohort. (2020) Rheumatol Int. 40, 881-891 Pubmed Rheumatol Int
Bracco PA, Gregg EW, Rolka DB, Schmidt MI, Barreto SM, Lotufo PA, Bensenor I, Chor D and Duncan BB. A nationwide analysis of the excess death attributable to diabetes in Brazil. (2020) J Glob Health. 10, 010401 Pubmed J Glob Health PMC Article
Brunoni AR, Salum GA, Hoffmann MS, Goulart AC, Barreto SM, Canhada S, Carvalho AF, Koyanagi A, Calice-Silva V, Lotufo PA, Santos IS, Suemoto CK and Benseñor IM. Prospective associations between hsCRP and GlycA inflammatory biomarkers and depression: The Brazilian longitudinal study of adult health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) J Affect Disord. 271, 39-48 Pubmed J Affect Disord
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Francisco SC, Araújo LF, Griep RH, Chor D, Molina MDCB, Mil JG, Bensenor IM, Matos SMA, Barreto SM and Giatti L. Adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and hypertension risk: results of the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Br J Nutr. 123, 1068-1077 Pubmed Br J Nutr
Maluf CB, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Ribeiro AL, Vidigal PG, Azevedo DRM, Griep RH, Matos SMA, Ji C, Cappuccio FP and Miller MA. Association between C reactive protein and all-cause mortality in the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2020) J Epidemiol Community Health. 74, 421-427 Pubmed J Epidemiol Community Health PMC Article
Apelbaum PN, Goulart AC, Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Baena CP and Benseñor IJM. Migraine and Arterial Stiffness in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health: ELSA-Brasil. (2020) Am J Hypertens. 33, 458-464 Pubmed Am J Hypertens
Varella AC, Benseñor IM, Fonseca MJM, Griep RH, Pereira AC and Lotufo PA. Religious Service Attendance, Educational Attainment, and Hypertension at Baseline of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Am J Hypertens. 33, 452-457 Pubmed Am J Hypertens
Canhada SL, Luft VC, Giatti L, Duncan BB, Chor D, Fonseca MJMD, Matos SMA, Molina MDCB, Barreto SM, Levy RB and Schmidt MI. Ultra-processed foods, incident overweight and obesity, and longitudinal changes in weight and waist circumference: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Public Health Nutr. 23, 1076-1086 Pubmed Public Health Nutr PMC Article
Hoshi RA, Santos IS, Dantas EM, Andreão RV, Mill JG, Goulart AC, Lotufo PA and Bensenor I. Relationship between heart rate variability and carotid intima-media thickness in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health – ELSA-Brasil. (2020) Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 40, 122-130 Pubmed Clin Physiol Funct Imaging
Bertola L, Benseñor IM, Barreto SM, Moreno AB, Griep RH, Viana MC, Lotufo PA and Suemoto CK. Measurement invariance of neuropsychological tests across different sociodemographic backgrounds in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Neuropsychology. 34, 227-234 Pubmed Neuropsychology
Lage PTS, Machado LAC, Barreto SM, de Figueiredo RC and Telles RW. Measurement properties of Portuguese-Brazil Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) for the assessment of knee complaints in Brazilian adults: ELSA-Brasil Musculoskeletal cohort. (2020) Rheumatol Int. 40, 233-242 Pubmed Rheumatol Int
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de Souza-Talarico JN, Suemoto CK, Santos IS, Griep RH, Yamaguti STF, Lotufo PA and Bensenõr IJM. Work-related stress and cognitive performance among middle-aged adults: The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Stress Health. 36, 19-30 Pubmed Stress Health
Brunoni AR, Santos IS, Passos IC, Goulart AC, Koyanagi A, Carvalho AF, Barreto SM, Viana MC, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Socio-demographic and psychiatric risk factors in incident and persistent depression: An analysis in the occupational cohort of ELSA-Brasil. (2020) J Affect Disord. 263, 252-257 Pubmed J Affect Disord
Guimarães JMN, Griep RH, Fonseca MJM, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Mill JG, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IJ, Barreto SM, Giatti L, Matos SMA, Molina MDB, Pacheco AG and Chor D. Four-year adiposity change and remission of hypertension: an observational evaluation from the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) J Hum Hypertens. 34, 68-75 Pubmed J Hum Hypertens
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Ramin-Mangata S, Wargny M, Pichelin M, Le May C, Thédrez A, Blanchard V, Nativel B, Santos RD, Benseñor IM, Lotufo PA, Lambert G and Cariou B. Circulating PCSK9 levels are not associated with the conversion to type 2 diabetes. (2020) Atherosclerosis. 293, 49-56 Pubmed Atherosclerosis
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Szlejf C, Suemoto CK, Brunoni AR, Viana MC, Moreno AB, Matos SMA, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Depression is Associated With Sarcopenia Due to Low Muscle Strength: Results From the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2019) J Am Med Dir Assoc. 20, 1641-1646 Pubmed J Am Med Dir Assoc
Brunoni AR, Szlejf C, Suemoto CK, Santos IS, Goulart AC, Viana MC, Koyanagi A, Barreto SM, Moreno AB, Carvalho AF, Lange S, Griep RH, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Association between ideal cardiovascular health and depression incidence: a longitudinal analysis of ELSA-Brasil. (2019) Acta Psychiatr Scand. 140, 552-562 Pubmed Acta Psychiatr Scand
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Baldo MP, Brant LCC, Cunha RS, Molina MDCB, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Mill JG. The association between salt intake and arterial stiffness is influenced by a sex-specific mediating effect through blood pressure in normotensive adults: The ELSA-Brasil study. (2019) J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 21, 1771-1779 Pubmed J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) PMC Article
Menezes ST, Giatti L, Colosimo EA, Ribeiro ALP, Brant LCC, Viana MC, Cunha RS, Mill JG and Barreto SM. Aortic Stiffness and Age With Cognitive Performance Decline in the ELSA-Brasil Cohort. (2019) J Am Heart Assoc. 8, e013248 Pubmed J Am Heart Assoc PMC Article
Fonseca MIH, de Almeida-Pititto B, Bensenor IM, Toth PP, Jones SR, Blaha MJ, Lotufo PA, Kulkarni KR, Ferreira SRG and . Changes in lipoprotein subfractions following menopause in the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2019) Maturitas. 130, 32-37 Pubmed Maturitas
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Pedrosa JF, Ribeiro ALP, Santana PC, Araújo LF and Barreto SM. Relation of Thoracic Aortic and Coronary Artery Calcium to Cardiovascular Risk Factors (from The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health [ELSA-Brazil]). (2019) Am J Cardiol. 124, 1655-1661 Pubmed Am J Cardiol
Santos RB, Silva WA, Parise BK, Giatti S, Aielo AN, Souza SP, Santos IS, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Accuracy of global and/or regional anthropometric measurements of adiposity in screening sleep apnea: the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2019) Sleep Med. 63, 115-121 Pubmed Sleep Med
Rocco PTP, Bensenor IM, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Moreno AB, Alencar AP, Lotufo PA and Santos IS. Work-Family Conflict and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Score in the ELSA-Brasil Baseline Assessment. (2019) J Am Heart Assoc. 8, e012701 Pubmed J Am Heart Assoc PMC Article
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Chaparro MP, Pina MF, de Oliveira Cardoso L, Santos SM, Barreto SM, Giatti Gonçalves L, Alvim de Matos SM, Mendes da Fonseca MJ, Chor D and Griep RH. The association between the neighbourhood social environment and obesity in Brazil: a cross-sectional analysis of the ELSA-Brasil study. (2019) BMJ Open. 9, e026800 Pubmed BMJ Open PMC Article
Birck MG, Goulart AC, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a cross-sectional analysis on the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2019) Sao Paulo Med J. 137, 223-233 Pubmed Sao Paulo Med J PMC Article
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Lopes AEDSC, Araújo LF, Levy RB, Barreto SM and Giatti L. Association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and serum C-reactive protein levels: cross-sectional results from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2019) Sao Paulo Med J. 137, 169-176 Pubmed Sao Paulo Med J PMC Article
Pereira TSS, Mill JG, Cade NV, Griep RH, Sichieri R and Molina MDCB. Factors associated with urinary sodium/potassium ratio in participants in the ELSA-Brazil study. (2019) Cad Saude Publica. 35, e00039718 Pubmed Cad Saude Publica
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Drager LF, Santos RB, Silva WA, Parise BK, Giatti S, Aielo AN, Souza SP, Furlan SF, Lorenzi-Filho G, Lotufo PA and Bensenor IM. OSA, Short Sleep Duration, and Their Interactions With Sleepiness and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Adults: The ELSA-Brasil Study. (2019) Chest. 155, 1190-1198 Pubmed Chest
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Harada PH, Benseñor IM, Bittencourt MS, Nasir K, Blaha MJ, Jones SR, Toth PP and Lotufo PA. Composite acute phase glycoproteins with coronary artery calcification depends on metabolic syndrome presence – The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2019) J Cardiol. 73, 408-415 Pubmed J Cardiol
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Cezaretto A, Almeida-Pititto B, Alencar GP, Suemoto CK, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Ferreira SRG and . Utility of combined inflammatory biomarkers for the identification of cognitive dysfunction in non-diabetic participants of the ELSA-Brasil. (2019) Psychoneuroendocrinology. 103, 61-66 Pubmed Psychoneuroendocrinology
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Baldo MP, Cunha RS, Ribeiro ALP, Lotufo PA, Chor D, Barreto SM, Bensenor IM, Pereira AC and Mill JG. Racial Differences in Arterial Stiffness are Mainly Determined by Blood Pressure Levels: Results From the ELSA-Brasil Study. (2017) J Am Heart Assoc. 6, Pubmed J Am Heart Assoc PMC Article
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Szlejf C, Batista AFM, Bertola L, Lotufo PA, Benseãor IM, Chiavegatto Filho ADP and Suemoto CK. Data-driven decision making for the screening of cognitive impairment in primary care: a machine learning approach using data from the ELSA-Brasil study. (2023) Braz J Med Biol Res. 56, e12475 Pubmed Braz J Med Biol Res PMC Article
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Souto EP, Moreno AB, Chor D, Melo ECP, Barreto SM, Nunes MA and Griep RH. Social Capital and Depressive Episodes: Gender Differences in the ELSA-Brasil Cohort. (2021) Front Public Health. 9, 657700 Pubmed Front Public Health PMC Article
Hoshi RA, Santos IS, Bittencourt MS, Dantas EM, Andreão RV, Mill JG, Lotufo PA and Benseñor IM. Association of coronary artery calcium with heart rate variability in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health – ELSA-Brasil. (2023) Braz J Med Biol Res. 56, e12364 Pubmed Braz J Med Biol Res PMC Article
Coelho JS, Martinez OGE, Siqueira JH, Campos GC, Viana MC, Griep RH, Alvim RO, Mill JG and Molina MCB. Alcoholic beverage consumption, changes in blood pressure, and incidence of hypertension in the Longitudinal Adult Health Study (ELSA-Brasil). (2021) Nutrition. 91-92, 111387 Pubmed Nutrition
Telles RW, Costa-Silva L, Machado LAC, Reis RCPD and Barreto SM. Fixed-flexion knee radiography using a new positioning device produced highly repeatable measurements of joint space width: ELSA-Brasil Musculoskeletal Study (ELSA-Brasil MSK). (2017) Rev Bras Reumatol Engl Ed. 57, 154-161 Pubmed Rev Bras Reumatol Engl Ed
Bracco PA, Gregg EW, Rolka DB, Schmidt MI, Barreto SM, Lotufo PA, Bensenor I and Duncan BB. Lifetime risk of developing diabetes and years of life lost among those with diabetes in Brazil. (2021) J Glob Health. 11, 04041 Pubmed J Glob Health PMC Article
Berto LF, Suemoto CK, Moreno AB, Fonseca MJM, Nunes MAA, Molina MDCB, Barreto SM, de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz M, Lotufo PA, Benseñor IM and Brunoni AR. Increased Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety Among Subjects With Metabolic Syndrome in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2022) J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry. 63, 529-538 Pubmed J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry
Santos EHS, Santos Neto PJD and Santos IS. Carotid intima-media thickness in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil): a narrative review. (2018) Sao Paulo Med J. 136, 64-72 Pubmed Sao Paulo Med J PMC Article
Tavares NHC, Coelho CG, Barreto SM, Giatti L and Araújo LF. Birth weight is related with bone mineral content in adulthood: results of ELSA-Brasil. (2022) Rev Saude Publica. 56, 103 Pubmed Rev Saude Publica
Lelis DF, Calzavara JVS, Santos RD, Sposito AC, Griep RH, Barreto SM, Molina MDCB, Schmidt MI, Duncan BB, Bensenor I, Lotufo PA, Mill JG and Baldo MP. Reference values for the triglyceride to high-density lipoprotein ratio and its association with cardiometabolic diseases in a mixed adult population: The ELSA-Brasil study. (2021) J Clin Lipidol. 15, 699-711 Pubmed J Clin Lipidol
Siqueira JH, Santana NMT, Pereira TSS, Moreira AD, Benseñor IM, Barreto SM, Velasquez-Melendez G and Molina MDCB. Consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages: ELSA-Brasil results. (2021) Cien Saude Colet. 26, 3825-3837 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
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Polessa Paula D, Barbosa Aguiar O, Pruner Marques L, Bensenor I, Suemoto CK, Mendes da Fonseca MJ and Griep RH. Comparing machine learning algorithms for multimorbidity prediction: An example from the Elsa-Brasil study. (2022) PLoS One. 17, e0275619 Pubmed PLoS One PMC Article
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Pereira TS, Cade NV, Mill JG, Sichieri R and Molina MD. Use of the Method of Triads in the Validation of Sodium and Potassium Intake in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2016) PLoS One. 11, e0169085 Pubmed PLoS One PMC Article
Novaes EMDF, Aquino EML, Gabrielli L, Matos SMA, Griep RH, Fonseca MJMD, Almeida MDCC and Patrão AL. [Body image perception, socioeconomic characteristics, and lifestyle in women participating in ELSA-Brasil in Bahia, Brazil]. (2024) Cad Saude Publica. 40, e00107823 Pubmed Cad Saude Publica PMC Article
Ribeiro AG, Mill JG, Matos SMA, Velasquez-Melendez G, Cade NV and Molina MDCB. [Associations between consumption of dairy products, C-reactive protein, and lipid profile in adults: results of the ELSA-Brasil study]. (2019) Cad Saude Publica. 36, e00028019 Pubmed Cad Saude Publica
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Freitas RS, Santos IS, Matos SMA, Aquino EML and Amorim LDAF. Ideal cardiovascular health at ELSA-Brasil: non-additivity effects of gender, race, and schooling by using additive and multiplicative interactions. (2022) Cad Saude Publica. 38, e00266221 Pubmed Cad Saude Publica

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