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Bertola L, Benseñor IM, Barreto SM, Moreno AB, Griep RH, Viana MC, Lotufo PA and Suemoto CK. Measurement invariance of neuropsychological tests across different sociodemographic backgrounds in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2020) Neuropsychology. 34, 227-234 Pubmed Neuropsychology
Lage PTS, Machado LAC, Barreto SM, de Figueiredo RC and Telles RW. Measurement properties of Portuguese-Brazil Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) for the assessment of knee complaints in Brazilian adults: ELSA-Brasil Musculoskeletal cohort. (2020) Rheumatol Int. 40, 233-242 Pubmed Rheumatol Int
Pires RK, Luft VC, Araújo MC, Bandoni D, Molina MDC, Chor D and Cardoso LO. [Critical analysis of the revised diet quality index for the Brazilian population (DQI-R): its application in ELSA-Brasil]. (2020) Cien Saude Colet. 25, 703-713 Pubmed Cien Saude Colet
Ramin-Mangata S, Wargny M, Pichelin M, Le May C, Thédrez A, Blanchard V, Nativel B, Santos RD, Benseñor IM, Lotufo PA, Lambert G and Cariou B. Circulating PCSK9 levels are not associated with the conversion to type 2 diabetes. (2020) Atherosclerosis. 293, 49-56 Pubmed Atherosclerosis
Menezes ST, Giatti L, Colosimo EA, Ribeiro ALP, Brant LCC, Viana MC, Cunha RS, Mill JG and Barreto SM. Aortic Stiffness and Age With Cognitive Performance Decline in the ELSA-Brasil Cohort. (2019) J Am Heart Assoc. 8, e013248 Pubmed J Am Heart Assoc PMC Article
Aielo AN, Santos RB, Silva WA, Parise BK, Souza SP, Cunha LF, Giatti S, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM and Drager LF. Pragmatic Validation of Home Portable Sleep Monitor for diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnea in a non-referred population: . (2019) Sleep Sci. 12, 65-71 Pubmed Sleep Sci PMC Article
Ribeiro AG, Mill JG, Matos SMA, Velasquez-Melendez G, Cade NV and Molina MDCB. [Associations between consumption of dairy products, C-reactive protein, and lipid profile in adults: results of the ELSA-Brasil study]. (2019) Cad Saude Publica. 36, e00028019 Pubmed Cad Saude Publica
Machado LAC, Telles RW, Benseñor IM and Barreto SM. Prevalence of pain and associated factors in Brazilian civil servants: an introductory analysis using baseline data from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. (2019) Pain Rep. 4, e797 Pubmed Pain Rep PMC Article
Benseñor IM and Lotufo PA. Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in Brazil: lessons from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). (2019) Sao Paulo Med J. 137, 477-478 Pubmed Sao Paulo Med J PMC Article

Sobre o ELSA-Brasil